
Understanding decorator and closer on the Python

def deco1(deco_args, ):
    print('deco1 s')
    def deco1_inner(func):
        print('deco1_inner s')

        def wrapper(*args):
            print('deco_args: ', deco_args)
            return func(*args)

        print('deco1_inner e')
        return wrapper

    print('deco1 e')
    return deco1_inner

def deco2(func):
    print('deco2 s')

    def wrapper(*args):
        return func(*args)

    print('deco2 e')
    return wrapper

@deco1(['name', 'age', 'sex'])
def origin_func(*args):
    print('origin_func s')
    print('origin_func args:', args)
    print('origin_func e')

if __name__ == '__main__':
    origin_func(*['hello', 'selo'])

decorator closer python

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